The American Club Denmark celebrates their 104th anniversary with annual holiday party.

Date: December 12th, 2024

The American Club Denmark held their annual holiday party and the U.S. Ambassador’s House hosted by the U.S. Ambassador to Denmark, Alan Leventhal and his wife Sherry.

The event was a success behind the highest record of participation, including world-class entertainment from Carol Conrad and the holiday comments from Ambassador Leventhal and club President Stephen Schueler.

President of the American Club Denmark, Stephen Schueler: “We would like to thank the U.S. Ambassador Alan Leventhal and his wife Sherry for hosting the annual U.S. American Club holiday party and their incredible contributions building the relationship between Denmark and the United States. Everyone enjoyed the event, a highlight of the year. Happy Holidays!”.

The American Club Denmark is celebrating its 104-year anniversary of building closer relationships between the United States and the Kingdom of Denmark.

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